
All In Favour, Anarchoi, Animosity, Arkanoid, The Avenue

Baby Jesus Hitler, Badanga, Bad Skate Unit, Ballpark, Barkode, Bazooka Joes, Below the Belt, Bender, Blitz Babiez, The Brazen Hearts, Bullwinkles Revenge

CFBP, Cherub Mafia, Chokeslam, Chuck, Chunky Devon and the Spew Monkeys, Clenched Fist, Clobassi, Colytons, Concrete Diver, Cremation, The Crunch, Cry Mercy

Dagnabit, Dalkiel, Desecration, Destrier, Double Standard, Dropzone, Drut, The DTs, Dyasphere


Fatboy, Faux Pas, Fifth Place, Flyspeak, Footlong, Futile, Fuznut 

Gimp, Given, Good Name for a Band, Groin

Hardkore Pawn, The Hassle Brigade, Hatetrip, Haze, Heifer, Hooray for Hate

Kamikaze Harry, Karpis Cronies, Keepsake, Kimba, The Kirbys, Kreture

Lawnsmell, Little More Than You, Lost Souls, Lucretia

Meataxe, Media Tramp, Midstream, Milford, Milton, Mindcrack, Moneypenny

Nale, Noisam, No Justification, The Notebooks

Offset, Omnicide, One By Wednesday

Polystigma, Porn Trooper, Poundah

Retaliate, Riot City, ROFL

Sacrament, Save Some For Daddy, Septembers Silence, Shenavyre, The Shirkers, Sister in a Coma, The Skam, Skuzz, Slavegrinder, Spasm, S. Van, Special Sauce, Speckled Foam, Spilt Milk, Spudgun, Stalin's Organ, Staunch, Straight Edge Junkies, Stinkbug, Strength Within, Strident, Sunshine Winnebago

The Teddysexuals, Tenfold, Throbbing Cactus, Titan Outfits, Tocata, TUBbH, Turtle Slime, 12 Day Fixx


Vanity Star, Violent Minx


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