Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Gerry Gordon Trio

Pic by Anna Cridland
  • Kristan Kang - Drums
  • Matt Stratford 
  • Molly
SUMMARY: Short-lived early '90s punk band influenced by Sex Pistols and the Dead Kennedys.

Pic by Anna Cridland

KRISTAN: We used to help organise and play gigs at the Hornsby PCYC as the 'Gerry Gordon Trio', which was Matt's idea. Matt and I went to school together (along with John from Lentil Soup). Matt was two grades above John and me and there was some kid in his grade who Matt and some others decided to prank by saying they'd gone to see some made-up band called Gerry Gordon Trio and had met Gerry after the show, hung out with him, etc. They went pretty hard on the lie to convince this friend - to the extent that they had fake T-shirts printed. This is before the internet so the friend had no way of looking it up. Anyway, this friend starts acting like he's a massive fan too and was bummed that he couldn't make the show. So Matt and I created a real band and gave it that name. 
Kristan Kang, Noise Levels correspondence, 2024

KRISTAN: Matt introduced me to Fred Rodriguez, who in turn introduced me to Campbell Troy. We started jamming and writing stuff and then that turned into Skam.
Kristan Kang, Noise Levels correspondence, 2024

RELATED BANDS: Skam / S-Tribe. 

Pic by Anna Cridland

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