Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Special Sauce

ORIGINS: Lower Blue Mountains, NSW
GENRE: Melodic punk
SUMMARY: Special Sauce was a shortlived melodic punk band influenced by the '90s Californian punk sound. The band didn't play any shows as they broke up when Aaron and Ivan went across to the re-formed Hassle Brigade in 1999.
"I was playing in a band with Aaron called Special Sauce, and it was something that a mate of his, Jamie, had started... Jamie was working with my dad and my dad was like, Jamie's looking for a drummer"
Ivan Lisyak, Noise Levels podcast Episode 1: The Hassle Brigade, 2024

RELATED BANDS: Spasm, The Hassle Brigade, Badanga, Fuznut, The Architects, Belles Will Ring, The Paper Scissors, Baby Fist

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