Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sister in a Coma

ORIGINS: Campbelltown, NSW
YEARS ACTIVE: 1989-1991
  • Darren Stapleton (Guitar)
  • Brett Wright (Vocals, Bass) [1989-1990]
  • Anthony Henning (Bass) [1990-1991]
  • Kelly Thomson (Drums) [1989-1990]
  • Brendan Penzer (Vocals) [1990-1991]
  • Richard McGuire (Drums) [1990-1991]
  • James Brown (Guitar) [1991]
  • Rui Periera (Bass) [1991]
  • Demo (1990)
SUMMARY: Sister in a Coma (SIAC) was a high school punk band from the Campbelltown area. Darren Stapleton remained the consistent member for the band's 3 year history until high school finished. Several members went on to play in other bands (Cryogenic, US band Silence Civilian, Shinobi, Cobra Kai) in subsequent years. 

DARREN: Sister in a Coma started in '89, Year 9 in high school. We played all originals and had a few member changes over the 3 years in school and some of the musos from the band went into some big things later on.

RELATED BANDS: Stinkbug, VETO, Tuskin Raiders, The Strawdogs, Shinobi, Cobra Kai and the Leg Sweeps, Cryogenic, Silence Civilian


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