Noise Levels

Welcome to Noise Levels, an archive of local music from NSW from the 1980s to the 2000s. Some of the best bands you've never heard of!

Featured Content: 

Con Barcode

Feature Story: The Year in Review (2024)
Podcast Episode 1: The Hassle Brigade - Watch it or Listen to it.
Podcast Episode 2: Spilt Milk - Watch it or Listen to it.
Podcast Episode 3: Nale - Watch it or Listen to it.
Podcast Episode 4: Little More Than You - Watch it or Listen to it.  
Podcast Episode 5: Favourites - Watch it.

Featured Posts: 

S-Tribe (1994-1999)

Westside Hustlers (2007-2010)

The Slaters (1983-1994)

Sewer Cider (1998-2002)

Hippycrits (2001-2004)

The New Justice Team (2004-2008)

Stalin's Organ (1992-1998)

The Gays (2006-2008)

S*K*A*M (2000-2002)

The Gerry Gordon Trio (1993)

On this site you will find histories of bands, links to their music (when possible), show details, and any other material we've been able to pull together. Feel free to leave comments on posts if you have stuff we don't have - we gladly take any material that can be donated to the archive. What's the point of sitting on it if there are other people out there who'd love to see or hear it again?