
DISCLAIMER: The information below is by no means complete, nor will it likely ever be. If you have any additional information about any of these zines, click the name of the zine and leave a comment.

NSW (and ACT)

The Amazing Deludo (1999), An Exclusive Interview With... (2007-2008), Anti-Charisma (1997-2000), Astrobabble (2011-2018)

Backpacks (2002), Bar Code the World (1995-1999), Blind Ambition (1989), Bourgeoizine (1996-1998)

Can I Scream? (2006), Chunky Yet Funky (1997-2000), Club Mac (1997), Counter Attack (1997-2000), CTW (2002-2010)

Dave S. zines (2001-2008), Don't Read This (2002), Dribble (1995) Drink Drank Tuck (2007), Dropkick Zine (2004-2005)

The Electricult (2002), Everything Crash (2003-2009)

Fisted System (1996), Frogs n Flies (2001-2004)

Glen S. zines (2001-2009), Go.Get.Fucked. (2005-2006), Got Caught Stealing (2007-2008) 

Holocaust Zine (1992)

I Am a Camera (2000-Current)

Just Be There (1999)

Loaded to the Gills (1993-1995)

Miss Helen zines (1996-2015), Mutiny (2006), My Life with Ana (1996)

Nerf Jihad (2004-2009), Nerve Zine (2000), Newcastle Hardcore Superbowl (1997) Noisecrash (1995)

Obzine (1999-2002)

Penni (1995), Piece of Cake (2006), PopstarZine (2002)

Rob Schneider is a Poor Man's Pauly Shore (2007)

Sandpit (1994-1995), Scrollburger (1994-1995), Self Destruct (2006), Set Fire to My Home (2001-2002), Shaft's Big Score (1998), Skammunicator (2001-2002), Skivvy (1995), Straight Up! (2003), Susy Pow Zines (2005-2006), Sydney Squatters' Handbook (1989-1993)

This Fate (1995-1996), 27 Twelve (1998-2000)


Adult Dreams (2019-2022), Argyle Zine (2004-2007)

Bizoo (2000-2006), The Blacklist (2005)

Demolish (2002-2003)

Healthy Body Sick Mind (1997-1998)

In Till Stumps (2001-2005), Invalid (2005-2007)

Neil zines (1997-2022) 

These Boots (1999)


DNA (1979-Current)

Long Gone Loser (2003-2005)

Pee (1996-2011)


Ampallang (2004-2005), Aussieskins (2002)

Beanz Baxter (1996-2001), Bitch Magazine (1994)

Crettins Puddle (1997-1998), Crumpet (1993)

Discontent (1996)

Grot Grrl (1995)

Highly Flammable (2004-2005) 

Mavis McKenzie (1996-2009)

Taped Crusader (1999-2004), Thought Control (1999)

What We Do Is Secret (2005-2006) 


TMT (1992-1998)

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