Monday, February 12, 2024

Luke Mernagh

Luke Mernagh

  • Dagnabit (1995-1997) - Guitar
  • The Shirkers (1997-2001) - Vocals, Guitar
  • Own Enemy (1999) - Vocals
  • Instant Mayhem (2000-2002) - Vocals
  • The Breakout (2002-2004) - Guitar
  • The Lock Ups (2004) - Guitar
  • ADD Thrash / Panic Attacks (2003-2005) - Guitar
  • The Alleybrats / Stereo City (2003-2007) - Vocals, Guitar
  • Black Jaw (2008-2009) - Guitar
  • The Colytons (2007-2008) - Guitar
REGION: Baulkham Hill, NSW
SCHOOL: Oakhill College, NSW

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