
Thursday, July 11, 2024

The 1998-99 Melrose Hall Incidents

Penrith Star, June 23rd, 1998

VENUE: Melrose Hall, Emu Plains
DATE: Friday, 19th June, 1998
TIME: 6pm
OTHER: $5. Organised by Craig McVea.

Penrith Star, June 16th, 1998

The First Melrose Hall Incident:

In the years since, the 'Melrose Hall Incident' has become one of those hard-to-pin-down stories. In the last 8 months I've been researching this for fun (because that's the sort of person I am; tragically obsessive and a local history nerd). Today, while trawling old Penrith newspapers on the microfiche at Penrith Library, I finally found confirmation of when this incident happened and who was approximately there.

The difficulty in pinning this story down comes down to the probability of there being multiple incidents. In fact, there's likely a cause and effect chain between these incidents - it's not a coincidence that violence erupted multiple times at Melrose Hall, there was something akin to a territorial dispute happening, with a local gang (or gangs) taking exception to teenage punters enjoying alternative music in their 'hood.  

Studying history is fun.

My guess is that this show on 19th June, 1998, was the first incident (and the one that included an actual shotgun). This fits with The Hassle Brigade's timeline, in which this was their first proper show after reforming. Anything earlier than June, 1998, would have been before The Hassle Brigade had gotten back together with a new drummer and bassplayer. The reason it's a struggle to make all the details fit (I've spoken to many people about this now) is that there must have been a later show that featured a different combination of bands in support of The Hassle Brigade. This later show may have included Speckled Foam, Below the Belt, Room 101, and/or Little Lunch. 

[Or maybe The Hassle Brigade didn't play the other show and the Below the Belt-related violence happened earlier? I think this is less likely as I think the newspaper coverage I've included here would've mentioned that this incident was the latest in a long line, blah blah blah, that sort of thing.]

Long story short, the 19th June show was underway when a gang appeared on the scene through the back door. Some people may have been bashed and threatened. Police arrived after being called in by the hired security and they chased down some of the gang members, apprehending one who had a shotgun on his person.

Let's hear from some people who were there. I'll just add the disclaimer that it's sometimes difficult to figure out if people are referring to this show or the later one (which seems to have been more violent but without a shotgun). These are the comments that I think relate to the 19th June show:

JASE: I just remember them smashing a door down once the bands wrapped up. 
Jason Percy-Spiller, punter, 2024
CRAIG: It was a bit weird. Cops were all over it. It all happened out in the oval away from Melrose. Also separately, there was a local footy team who used to roll and bash punters between sets outside. Often gate crashers would walk straight through, not pay, and be a problem. I met with the cops and council before every venue/event booking I did. Anyway, at this show the cops confiscated a 'home made gun'. Cops were definitely watching this guy. But yeah, there were a lot of 'homies' and baseball bats... so many close calls.
Craig McVea, show organiser, 2024
MATT: A mate of mine was telling the homies to fuck off at the door. It's a bit blurry... someone said one of them had a gun - I didn't see any gun or knife or even the people; the door was chained I think.
Matt Cleary, Futile, 2024
PRESTON: My mate defended my drums. Rae got a black eye, Jakob got a cymbal stand over the head. I recall a friend had a nose ring that one of the homies tried to pull out, which kicked things off.
Preston Peachey, Clobassi, 2024

ADAM: It was our first show back with 400 people there to see us but we never ended up playing. This still cracks me up to this day, Spilt Milk were halfway through their set. We were all out back just chilling when suddenly the power went off, then we heard people screaming and yelling. Turns out two rival gangs who I remember as the Penrith Boys and the Emu Boys were having a feud and chose our gig as a battle ground. A fight broke out in front of Melrose Hall and one of these nitwits produced a sawn off shotgun. Then apparently after police were tipped off they had cars mobilised nearby ready to pounce the minute the trouble started, next thing we know - about half a dozen cop cars and assorted paddy wagons turned up and the cops shut off the power. I remember walking to the side of the stage and Spilt Milk were still on stage wondering why their amps wouldn't work and why the lights were out... then the cops started rounding up the crowd, telling everyone to go home. Turns out the idiot with the gun shit himself when the cops arrived and did a runner, only to trip over and twist his ankle, hence he got pinched. 
Adam O'Sullivan, The Hassle Brigade, 2010

IVAN: We set up the drum kit and we were kind of ready to go and then we were told to stay in the back room and we just hid there until police came and took the guy away. There was actually a bunch of them, it was when the Penrith kind of gang stuff was happening in the light '90s. Back then, Penrith and Emu Plains were pretty rough places comparatively to now. Two of the rival gangs were there, and someone had a shotgun and some machetes and stuff. 
Ivan Lisyak, The Hassle Brigade, 2024

MATTY: That Melrose night... it was twice. The shotgun night, we were there. Whether we were on the stage when it happened; I can't remember that.
Matty Albert, Spilt Milk, 2024


The interesting thing about the newspaper coverage is that both papers advertised this show a few days before it happened. Then, after the incident happened, one of the paper's (The Penrith Star) described it as a party with 400 people in attendance. See the image at the top of this page... they don't even mention that bands were there and they make it sound like the gang members were invited to this 'party'. If the writer of that article had simply looked at the previous issue of his own newspaper then he would have been able to write a far more factual account of what happened.

Penrith Press, June 16th, 1998

And here's the Press's coverage of what happened. They also call it a 'party' rather than 'show' or 'band night' but at least they mention that bands were there. I've included a transcript for this one due to the scan being such poor quality. You'll note that this article combines two evidently unrelated incidents as if there is a crime wave occurring across all of Penrith. In my 8 months of reading through about 2 years worth of locals papers from this time period, I do have to admit that Penrith crime seemed a lot worse back in the late '90s, however, this article has the typically alarmist hallmarks of hack journalism in its insistence of combining these two separate events.

Penrith Press, June 23rd, 1998

Transcript: A dance party in Melrose Hall, Emu Plains, where several bands were playing, turned into a near riot on Friday night and was out of the control of the security men on duty. Several police units responded about 9pm to calls for help from the security man - police said two were on duty.

Police were told a youth at the party had been wielding a shortened 22 calibre semi-automatic rifle, creating panic among other guests. When officers attempted to talk to a man he allegedly fled and was chased by police. The young man ran across the Great Western Hwy and in the course of the chase fell and injured himself, a police spokesman said.

The spokesman said a search of the backpack a suspect was carrying revealed a tomahawk and three knives. A man was taken to Nepean Hospital for treatment.

Across town on the following night, five men crashed an 18th birthday party with 100 guests int he Kingswood Park Community Centre, with one of them pointing a shotgun at a guest's head, police said. The five were asked to leave after they had assaulted one guest and harassed others but returned a short time later.

Party guests finally had enough and tackled the gatecrasher with the shotgun and chased him when he ran to nearby premises. It is understood the pursuers began taking defensive action in the form of hurling pot plants at their tormentor and possibly inflicting injury on him, 

A police spokesman said all local medical centres had been alerted to look for and report to authorities a man of Mediterranean appearance, dark brown shoulder length hair, wearing a light blue sport jacket and light blue dress trousers. Two of his accomplices have been described only as of Mediterranean appearance while the fourth was Pacific Islander in appearance.

Melrose Hall, 2024. Built in 1934.

The Second Melrose Hall Incident:

Now that we've sorted that out, let's look at the second incident. This event doesn't seem to have included any guns and the police may not have been there for this one, however, from the recollections of those who were there it definitely seems to have been a much more violent altercation.

I don't have an exact date for this show but I think it probably took place in early 1999. This allows for a time period where both Speckled Foam and Room 101 could share a bill together. This event is much harder to confirm as there doesn't seem to have been any local newspaper coverage of it (believe me, I've checked). This is why I've also made the assumption that the police probably didn't show up at this show as it would be the police who would communicate with the local papers afterwards.

The bands on this bill were definitely:

And possibly:

Here's some recollections from those that I think were most likely at this show:

CHRIS: I had loaded my amp into the car and left before the chaos ensured. I heard the homies got into the back room and picked up drum stands and started swinging. I think that one of the guys from Little Lunch got stabbed.
Chris Duckworth, Speckled Foam, 2024

MICHELLE: I remember being outside and a huge group of homies were tearing across the street with trolley poles and then I think they gained access to the back room of the Melrose where bands loaded in. I remember being outside and a chick was smashing my female cousin's head against the glass from the inside of the building... I feel like the thugs were trying to smash everyone's equipment. My boyfriend at the time went into the back room and dragged my cousin out and then the chick started bashing him, which was super gnarly. He ended up running away as he didn't want to hit a girl... I think we scattered before the cops arrived. 
Michelle Catanzaro, punter, 2024
JOSH: Allan cracked a dude with a chair and then four of them jumped him. Was pretty messed up.
Josh Eivers, punter, 2024
ALLAN: I woke up on stage after getting dogshotted from behind. Went in to help Easton and Sharples (Below the Belt), they were going hammer and tongs with the homies. 
Allan Stone, Below the Belt, 2024
EASTON: I got stabbed, had broken ribs and a fractured skull. I can remember the scuffle pretty well.
Daniel Easton, Below the Belt, 2024
KENNY: It was Room 101's first ever gig. My drum kit was used as a weapon!
 Kenny Cowell, Room 101, 2024
PABLO: It was at the height of the 'Homies vs. Grungers' era, the hall got broken into by homies. They smashed the windows and jumped everyone, broke gear, stabbed kids. I remember it was just insane news across the scene. It kind of killed the scene for a year, to be honest. I remember there was just no shows for ages after that, it just wasn't safe. 
Pablo Andres, punter, 2024

Obviously a lot of time has passed since 1998/1999 and some of the recollections are going to contradict each other due to adrenaline, alcohol, the memory-crystalising nature of violence, and the fact that the above stories have no doubt been told and retold many times in the decades since. If you have a memory of either of these shows or want to set the record straight on something, post in the comments below.

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