
Thanks and Acknowledgements

Noise Levels couldn't be possible without the collective efforts of so many rad people. Any archive is only as good as the people who generously and kindly donate material from their personal collections. Some big thanks go to:

  • Matty Albert (nearly every band in the world). Few people have a memory as long as Matt's!
  • Mark Alston (of Obzine, Glister, Plastic Dinosaur, Poundah fame). Mark currently does great graphic design work at Design Heroes.
  • Mark Bastard (Duderocket extraordinaire). Thanks for all the technical and website-based advice, and for just being an all-round great dude.  
  • Michelle Catanzaro - for some great photos from the Western Sydney scene.  
  • Katherne Dale - for rare photos from the late '90s.
  • Chris 'Goonie' Duckworth (Speckled Foam). Chris's experience in community radio and his efforts in preserving local music have been an invaluable part of this project. 
  • Jason Fenwick - our man in Wollongong.  
  • George Fotakopoulos - technical advisor (supplied me a cassette tape converter!)
  • Brad Hodges - for providing rare material from zines and such.
  • Hynds - for rare Penrith/Blue Mountains band photos.
  • Michael Joseph - for a wealth of archival material, including 100s of flyers.
  • Paul Kaczorek - for a bunch of flyers from the old days.
  • Colden 'Bundy' Locke (The Shenanigans). The Noise Levels podcast was entirely Colden's idea, and he co-hosts and edits each episode.
  • Ava Locke - for their production work on the Noise Levels podcast.
  • Bob Lupton - for providing audio and visual material from his amazing personal archive.
  • Kylie McCaffrey - for providing invaluable archive material.
  • Todd Rhind - for photos and archival music that would otherwise be lost in time.
  • Chris Sears - for a tonne of great flyers and background information.
  • David Seet - Hornsby hardcore archivist extraordinaire. 
  • Jonny Turcinskis (Cosmic Snail initiative, The Optionals, stacks of other bands). Jonny's work with 90s punk bands has been a boon to this project, as have the associated materials he's saved.
  • Tim Walter (Unpaid Debt, Speckled Foam). Tim's PA and recording work means that he has an extensive archive of his own when it comes to local music.
  • Mavis - mother of Adam O'Sullivan, who has been generous in sharing her son's legacy with the Western Sydney punk community.
  • The Noise Levels Facebook and Instagram communities - it's been amazing to reconnect and meet so many people who have a special interest in local Sydney and NSW music. The Noise Levels group has helped uncover all kinds of lost gems!

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